Polar Plunge 2014

Members of Phi Kappa Theta react to the freezing waters of Lake Snowden, located near Albany, Ohio, at the annual Polar Plunge on Saturday, February 8, 2014. The event, co-hosted by Phi Kappa Theta of Ohio Univeristy and the Ohio University Police Department, raises money for the Special Olympics.  

This weekend I had the pleasure of covering one of my favorite annual events in Athens county, the Polar Plunge. Participants find sponsors to fund their charge into the icy waters and all proceeds go to the Special Olympics Ohio. All participants are required to raise at least $50. Although attendance to the Polar Plunge was lighter than in past years, probably due to the especially cold weather, the event raised more than $27,000, roughly $2,000 more than in previous years. Before the plunge could commence, a portion of the 8 inches of ice covering Lake Snowden had to be cleared and most of the ice fragments in the water had to be removed. I wore fly-fishing waders and got right up in the action, and also pretty wet, but I had a blast covering the Polar Plunge!

Members of team "Klondike Bears" charge into the icy waters of Lake Snowden during the annual Polar Plunge.

A participant dressed in a full gorilla suit emerges from the icy waters of Lake Snowden during the annual Polar Plunge. Since this year's theme was "get wild about the plunge", many participants dressed up accordingly.

Bianca Blaylis-Blalock, (left), Jessica Pettis (center), Molly Kleman (right) and Kirby Flowers (in pink tutu) experience the frigid waters of Lake Snowden after charging into the icy lake.

Adam Soya throws Hannah Cimperman into the icy waters of Lake Snowden during the annual Polar Plunge.